Early Years Foundation

Engaging in Creative play.

At London Workshop Company we recognize that from the age of 2 – 4 is when the basic building blocks of learning and knowledge are formed. We have therefore created a series of programmes for this age range which engages the children in meaningful play and encourages the parents to interact in their child’s world.

These programmes can be run in Nursery and Pre-school facilities as well as in community venues like libraries.

If you want to see the programmes on offer for the 2012 season please download our brochure or contact us to have one sent to you.

Brochure programmes
Music and Movement

Exploring the World we Live in

Contact Details
Please contact us to request a brochure or if you have any questions or queries about LWC.
London Workshop Company
56 Sipson Road

West Drayton


e: londonworkshop@madasafish.com
t: 01895 422 040
m: 07966 279 377